[section container_class=”container”][introduction image=”http://starthemesdemo.net/petlife/wp-content/themes/petlife-pro/images/intro.png” image_position=”right” title=”Get to know who we are”]  [unordered_list style=”list-6″]

  • We are state inspected and licensed.
  • We are family owned and operated.
  • Summit Kennel is located at our home for us to provide close supervision.
  • We are animal lovers with our German Shepard and multiple cats
  • Heating, air conditioning, and cable television are provided for an “at home” feel.

[/unordered_list][spacer space=”30″][/introduction][/section][section container_class=”container” background_color=”#f7f7f7″ section_title=”Why Summit Kennel”][row][column col=”6″][info_box title=”Experienced Care” icon=”bone” bg_color=”#ffbaa0″] We have been in business since 1997 and needed to expand in the early 2000’s. [/info_box][info_box title=”Quality & Safety” icon=”medal” bg_color=”#a0c5ff”]We offer individual attention for your dog or cat when you can’t.[/info_box][/column][column col=”6″][info_box title=”Health & Well-Being” icon=”shield-virus” bg_color=”#e0df93″]We have a very clean facility, each morning the inside and outside runs are rinsed and cleaned with a sanizing cleaning agent. [/info_box][info_box title=”Happy Environment” icon=”gift” bg_color=”#e19797″] Each dog has individual indoor/outdoor runs with access to a large enclosed play area for group or individual exercise/play.. [/info_box][/column][/row][/section][section container_class=”container” background_image=”https://www.summitkennel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/gal4.jpg” section_class=”sec-overlay text-center”]

We are here all seven days of the week.  Call us today to schedule an appointment!

[buttonstyle2 name=”Contact Us Now” align=”center” link=”https://www.summitkennel.com/?page_id=3682″][/section]